Culture -the arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively : 20th century popular culture.
Participatory culture is all around us, you can make it as broad as you want, or as narrow as you want. Lets get narrow.
Henry Jenkins said “Media convergence fosters a new participatory folk culture by giving average people the tools to archive, annotate, appropriate and recirculate content.” (Jenkins, 2001)
MSN messenger is probably the most well known, most used participatory culture. I personally think MSN is the coolest thing, I was one of those kids who was never allowed to get an email account until absolutely necessary, so I appreciate MSN for its luxuries in a way the average teenager doesn’t.
My involvement in this specific participatory culture consists of strictly communicating. I can say whatever I want, to whoever is on my contact list, whenever I want. MSN is used to play games between people, there is nothing better then a good competitive game of chess and you don’t have to worry about lacking any playing pieces. MSN is used to see people, even if they are Holland. MSN is used to chat, gossip, love, hate, save, and satisfy.

The language of a new era is built around participation. Network neutrality is making it possible for people to participate easy and free, and wherever there is internet. Take advantage of this and engage in our world.
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